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A Parent’s Guide to CW’s Stargirl

The CW network’s Stargirl, set in the DC comic universe, is being lauded as the best superhero drama on TV since Supergirl. A fun show marketed to kids and teens, here’s what conscientious parents need to know about Stargirl.

Positive Influences and Uplifting Messages

Executive producer and co-creator of Stargirl, Geoff Johns, introduces Courtney Whitmore, a young woman who must navigate a new town, new school and new stepdad while discovering her legacy as a teenaged superhero. On the heels of the tragic murders of the Justice Society heroes including her biological father, Starman, Courtney finds his Cosmic Staff and learns that she is destined to lead the next generation of superheroes and protect Earth from its enemies. Thankfully, she has family and friends to help her succeed and keep her secrets.

Stargirl themes center around good versus evil, perseverance, girl power, family and teamwork. Courtney is young and she struggles to find her purpose. Like most teens, relationships are difficult to navigate, and she makes mistakes. However, she always strives to do what’s right despite intense pressure from villains who desire world domination and destruction above all.

Courtney’s superhero development happens alongside the evolution of her relationship with her stepfather, whose mysterious past is revealed as they grow closer. In a society where step-parents are often portrayed negatively in media, this narrative is refreshing and uplifting.

Generally, the tone of the show is hopeful and optimistic. Traditional hero values like standing up for others and fighting evil are upheld in the storylines.

Additionally, the cast is diverse, with actors from all ethnicities and walks of life representing characters kids can relate to.


Stargirl contains some fantasy violence. You’ll see explosions, people flying through the air and car crashes. There are portrayals of fighting, stabbing and other types of physical altercations, including the occasional fatality. Scenes are sometimes dark and a little bit bloody, but not gory. Some mature themes are addressed like puberty and death, but nothing tweens and teens aren’t already facing in their real lives. Plus, letting children see depictions of kids harnessing and yielding power is a great message that they too have the ability to be leaders.

Language and Behavior

Several scenes depict genuine, but inexcusable adolescent behaviors like rebellion, talking back and ignoring parental instructions in situations that result in lessons about personal responsibility. The adults onscreen sporadically drink alcohol. There are occasional utterances of unsuitable language and curse words like “ass” or “slut” in realistic contexts and nothing offensive enough to warrant parental protest. The show includes depictions of bullying, name-calling and a reference to sexting, all of which come with consequences. Ultimately, any uncomfortable scenarios serve as organic catalysts for conversation between you and your kids.

Parent reviews of Stargirl are varied, with some comfortably rating the show suitable for viewers aged 10+ and others clinging to a more conservative range of 13 and over. Overall, this TV show for tweens and teens serves up responsible, age-appropriate themes and character portrayals that serve as fun, thought-provoking entertainment for families.

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